Resources in this section are reference materials applicable to all stages of archive development. It is suggested that you download all the resources in this section and file as reference documentation. The resource titled "Assessing and Planning Your Archive" is an important tool for assessing where your Archive development is up to, as well as acting as a planning tool.
Assessing and planning your Archive (pdf 268Kb)
Archiving definitions (pdf 21Kb)
Digitisation concepts (pdf 203Kb)
Useful archive links and suppliers (pdf 234Kb)
Undertaking a Significance Study and a Preservation Needs Assessment for the Archive (pdf 338kb)
Resources in this section are support materials for the high level planning of your Archive.
Developing the Archive Cultural and Collection Management Plans (pdf 373Kb)
Collection Management Plan Template (.docx 212Kb )
Sample Collection Management Plan (pdf 715Kb)
Disaster Management Planning: Guidelines and Support Information (pdf 1.7Mb)
Disaster Management Planning Templates (.docx 218Kb)
Disaster Management Plan Template (.docx 90Kb)
The development of the National First Nations Media Archiving Plan included the the development of agreed standards and recommendations for metadata and digitised formats. These have now been widely adopted across the sector.
Recommended digital formats for digitised media (pdf 210Kb)
Recommended metadata full set: Excel data entry template .(xls 18KB)
Recommended metadata inventory and collection management: Excel data entry template (.xls 36Kb)
Inventory and Cataloguing platforms: quick guide to support decision making (.pdf 446Kb)
Proper handling and storage of physical media is vital to ensure that digitisation can be carried out effectively.
Preserving physical media: the basics (pdf 192Kb)
Preservation index (a table showing the rates of deterioration for differing storage temperatures and relative humidity). (pdf 59Kb)
Physical audio recordings: storage and handling recommendations (pdf 612Kb)
Physical photographic media: storage and handling recommendations (pdf 473Kb)
Physical video/film media: storage and handling recommendations (pdf 617Kb)
Auditing the Archive is a necessary step in planning for digitisation.
Physical media inventory/count proforma (.docx 202Kb)
Excel inventory/count template (xlsx 34Kb)
Shelf order systems and digital file naming protocols (pdf 615Kb)
Planning for digitisation (pdf 845Kb)
Digitisation concepts (pdf 203Kb)
Digitisation equipment overview and workflows (pdf 353Kb)
Preparing for digitisation: practical steps (pdf 191Kb)
Digitisation priorities: making decisions (pdf 268Kb)
Digital storage options overview (pdf 606Kb)
Directory and file naming recommendations (pdf 441Kb)
Disaster Management Planning: Guidelines and Support Information (pdf 1.7Mb)
Disaster Management Planning Templates (.docx 218Kb)
Disaster Management Plan Template (.docx 90Kb)
Archive Access Policy (.docx 33Kb)
Cataloguing Platforms and Standards Policy (.docx 29Kb)
Cultural Management Policy (.docx 29Kb)
Digital Storage Policy (.docx 30Kb)
Disposal Policy: Physical Media (.docx 29Kb)
Media Donation Policy (.docx 29Kb)
Staffing Policy (.docx 29Kb)