Remote Indigenous Media Organisations worked with remote communities and schools during Terms 3 and 4 2015 to produce radio content in support of school attendance.
The Remote Indigenous Media Organisations involved in the activity were CAAMA, NG Media, PAKAM, PAW Media, PY Media, QRAM and TEABBA.
The project was coordinated through the Indigenous Remote Communications Association, with funding for the project provided through the Dept. of Prime Minister and Cabinet.
Radio content included getting to school on time messages in language, shout outs to schools, jingles, schools shows and outdoor broadcast (OBs).
Some great content came in with content including the voices of community members, school staff, school kids and parents. Over 120 media pieces were produced, with live content aired as well. The content provided on the project pages is just a small selection of the produced content. We've organised selections into a number of themes to showcase the great content received.
Be ready for school
Remote radio stations produced a series of announcements and reminders about school term starting dates, school bell times, and things to do to help kids be active and alert at school. We have a selection of them, some in language and some in English on our Be ready for school page.
Communities support schools
There are lots of people in remote communities with strong messages in support of kids attending school. Remote radio stations recorded interviews with role models, principals and community leaders all giving the same message - "its important to go to school". Check out the Communities support school page.
Indigenous Literacy Day

Kids love reading
School children are doing great at developing their reading skills. They read out some of their favourite stories to demonstrate the benefits of being at school. Check out the Kids love reading page.
Kids love school
Kids from across remote schools have enjoyed telling their stories about what they like about school. Check out the Kids love school page.
School shout outs
Radio stations often did shout outs to schools to give everyone a sense of recognition of the schools in their area and their importance to the community. Most of the shout outs were done in live radio shows, but some were recorded. Check out the School shout outs page for a selection of the recorded shoutouts.