Keeping Culture
Keeping Culture Knowledge Management System is a web application for preserving, organising and repatriating digital or digitised media and cultural knowledge into communities. It provides a configurable framework for managing a broad spectrum of cultural information while conforming to cultural protocols and community expectations. Keeping Culture KMS is available as a Cloud hosted solution on an annual licencing and support arrangement.
Keeping Culture KMS is the successor of the Ara Irititja KMS software developed for the Pitjantjatjara Council’s Ara Irititja Project. The project commenced in 1994 with the aim of returning historical and cultural material to Anangu communities in the north-west corner of South Australia. The software has undergone several developments since the projects inception and has been successfully adopted by many organisations servicing Aboriginal communities in Australia.

The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) is a world-renowned research, collections and publishing organisation. We promote knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, traditions, languages and stories, past and present.
AIATSIS care for a priceless collection, including films, photographs, video and audio recordings as well as the world’s largest collection of printed and other resource materials for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies. They undertake and encourage scholarly, ethical, community-based research in a variety of sectors, including health, native title, languages and education. Their publishing house, Aboriginal Studies Press, regularly publishes outstanding writing that promotes Australian Indigenous cultures. Our activities affirm and raise awareness of the richness and diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories.

National Film and Sound Archive
The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia is the nation’s living archive – collecting, preserving and sharing our rich audiovisual heritage. The national audiovisual collection holds more than 2.16 million works.
The collection includes films, television and radio programs, videos, audio tapes, records, compact discs, phonograph cylinders and wire recordings. It also encompasses documents and artefacts such as photographs, posters, lobby cards, publicity items, scripts, costumes, props, memorabilia, oral histories, and vintage equipment.