Sending our condolences to family, friends and colleagues.

'It is with great sadness that we at 3CR acknowledge the passing of Gilla McGuinness on Tuesday 9th Jan 2018. Gilla was a well loved and respected 3CR broadcaster and will be greatly missed at the station by programmers, volunteers and staff. We offer our heart-felt condolences to Johnny Mac and family.

Gilla made an enormous contribution to broadcasting at the station. In the Aboriginal community of Melbourne if you have something to say Gilla would help you say it by giving you a voice on radio. He has always tackled the issues and struggles of his community head on and yet maintained integrity and respect while doing so. He was the longest serving Aboriginal broadcaster on 3CR and at 41 years on air perhaps even in Australia. Gilla presented Precious Memories community and country music program on Wednesdays, but before that he was a long-term presenter on the Koori Survival Show. 
Gilla was a founding producer and programmer on the Beyond the Bars prison project and conceived, developed and produced the Yarra Elders Precious Memories project, recording and broadcasting elder’s stories and history, struggles, survival, celebrations, achievements and concerns.

Gilla produced and programmed countless important community events, including broadcasts from the Tent Embassy in Canberra, the Commonwealth Games protests, the National Apology in Canberra, Survival Day concerts, Land Rights protests, Sorry Day ceremonies and rallies, NAIDOC week broadcasts from Aboriginal community organisations including the Aboriginal Health Service, the MAYSAR Aboriginal gym. 

The 3CR community mourns Gilla’s loss, he was definitely one of a kind, and the station will not be the same without his fighting spirit.'

3CR Community Radio