Media Organisation Name:
Bumma Bippera Media
Media Org Location (Text field):
Cairns, QLD
Media Org Website:
Media Org Description:
The name Bumma Bippera is derived from the language of the Yidinji Aboriginal tribe of the Cairns area, where the word meaning(s) are:
Bumma (or Bama) = Aboriginal Persons /People
Bippera = Talking
Bumma Bippera = Aboriginal People Talking.
In the late 1980’s, members of the Cairns indigenous community began to present a program called Black is Black at another community radio station in Cairns. Due to strong community interest volunteers devoted their time to create an indigenous media organisation to promote an awareness of indigenous culture and issues to both indigenous and non indigenous listeners. On the 6th of November 1990, Bumma Bippera Media Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation (BBM) was born and became a Not for Profit incorporated body.
Media Org Logo:

Media Org State: