The 14th National Remote Indigenous Media Festival was proudly hosted by Pilbara and Kimberley Aboriginal Media (PAKAM) in partnership with the Djarindjin Aboriginal Corporation, Indigenous Remote Communications Association (IRCA) and Indigenous Community Television (ICTV).
The Festival is the annual showcase event for the remote media sector and featured -
- Nightly video screenings hosted by ICTV
- Industry forums hosted by IRCA
- Skills workshops (including video and iPad production workshops),
- National radio broadcasts,
- Awards presentation and a closing night extravaganza of Kimberley talent hosted by the celebrated Mary G!
This year's Festival is already shaping up to be the biggest festival yet with over 200 participants likely to attend from across Australia!
The Festival is the major annual showcase event for the remote media and communications sector. Each year it is held in a different region, bringing together media practitioners from all across remote Australia. In 2012, we expect up to 200 participants to attend from remote Indigenous media organisations (RIMOs), community media centres, government agencies and support organisations. About half of participants will come from WA-based media organisations, particularly in the Pilbara and Kimberley and Ngaanyatjarra regions.
The Festival plays a key development role for the remote Indigenous media Industry, creating an opportunity for producers, broadcasters, trainees and supporters from all regions to network and share their stories, skills and inspiration. It celebrates the unique value of remote community media for language and cultural maintenance, information sharing, meaningful employment and empowering communities through self-representation.
More about the 2012 Festival Program
Nightly video screenings, skills workshops, industry forums, AGMs and a closing night celebration featuring Kimberley bands and cultural dance (Ilma). There will be live radio broadcasting throughout the week over the PAKAM Radio Network (reaching about 28 communities and towns in the Pilbara Kimberley regions) and to other Indigenous radio network services around the country, including CAAMA, PAW, 5NPY, TEABBA, TSIMA and NIRS.
There will be daily Digital Media Skills workshops to provide hands-on training opportunities in: radio documentary production, animation, video camera techniques, music development, new media production (using hand-held devices and uploading to IndigiTUBE), and broadcast technical maintenance and digital conversion.
IRCA, the peak body for remote media and communications, and ICTV will conduct their Annual General Meetings during the Festival. IRCA will also host industry forums focused on current sector issues & strategic planning, music development programs and screen production funding opportunities.
Four nights of screenings will showcase community video productions from the year, culminating in an Awards Ceremony to celebrate the achievements of remote producers and recognise their important contribution to the Indigenous media industry.
Closing Night Ceremony
The Finale will include a wealth of music and cultural talent from the Kullarri region and will be presided over by the famous Black Queen of the Kimberley, Mary G.
Performers will include the likes of Albert Wiggan, Trevor Ishiguchi, Kerrianne Cox, Arnold McKenzie, Stephen Pigram, Patrick Davies, Stephen ‘Baamba’ Albert, Shoveller Band, Black Snake Band, Red Soil Band, Billard Boyz, and of course the Djarindjin Band - a night to remember.
Sponsored Awards
- The John Macumba Indigenous Community Operator of the Year (CAAMA)
- The Preston Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement
- Mr Garriwirrtja Memorial Award for contribution to Media, Entertainment & the Arts (TEABBA)
- Mr McKenzie Memorial Award for Best Contribution to remote Indigenous television (PY Media)
Genre Video Categories
- Best Cultural Video
- Best Community Video
- Best Music Video - Griffith University Award
- Best Oral history
- Best Hunting, Cooking & Bushfood Video
- Best Artworker Video
- Best Commissioned Video
- Best Youth Video
Craft Categories (Open)
- The Troy Albert Award for Excellence in Cinematography
- ICTV Award for Best Editing
- The Acting/Drama Award
- Video Compositing Award (including animation, digital effects)
Other / Special Awards
- Facilitator Award (open to Indigenous and non-Indigenous)
- Steve McGregor Award for Best Emerging Talent
- Best Radio Documentary
- Best Song
- Innovation in Online Presence
- Best Station ID or Community Service Announcement (Video & Radio)
- Most Popular Video on IndigiTUBE
- People’s Choice AwardSpecial Award
Radio Categories
- Best Emerging radio talent (for each RIMO)
- Best RIBS radio operator (each RIMO)
Special Awards
Preston Award
2011 Winner Walter Lui (TSIMA)The Preston Award was inaugurated and presented to PAKAM at the 2003 BRACS Festival (hosted in Darwin by TEABBA), in recognition of one of our pioneers, Mr Nooley Preston.
Nooley was a founder broadcaster at Wangki Yupurnanupurru Radio in Fitzroy Crossing and trained for the BRACS Certificate at Batchelor in the first years of the course. He was a tireless and beloved champion of Remote Community Media.
The Award is presented annually in recognition of lifetime achievement and dedication to the development of the national Remote Indigenous Media industry.
2011 Winner Cynthia Burke (NG Media)Troy Albert Award for Excellence in Cinematography
- For commitment to use the teaching of others to inspire others in the things you do.
- For a high level of camera skills that gives you a special look.
- For the dedication of producing programming for ICTV for all Australia to watch.
The Mr McKenzie Memorial Award for Best Contribution to remote Indigenous television
2011 Winner Francis Kelly (PAW Media)This award, in memory of Kunmanara McKenzie and his outstanding work at EVTV and PY Media, is presented to the organization or individual who has made an outstanding contribution to remote television over the previous year.
Mr Garawirrtja Memorial Award For Contribution to Media, Entertainment and the Arts
2011 Winnder Sandra Lewis (PY Media)Mr Garrawirtja was a founding member of TEABBA 1989 on its inception, contributing 20 years of dedicated Service to TEABBA and the Indigenous Multimedia Industry both remotely and nationally.
His involvement in this industry has been nationally recognised for his contributions to dance, music & media, by being one of Australia’s best BRACS/RIBS Broadcasters. Participating in many Local & National Indigenous Incentives, Australian Olympics Indigenous Broadcast, Garma Festival, Barunga Festival and as well as the NT Indigenous Media Awards.
Promoted and participated with bands from the Galiwinku Community, Elcho Island, East Arnhem Land. These include United in One (Gospel), and the Soft Sands. Mr Garrawirtja has worldwide recognition and is respected as a role model and leader for his enthusiastic and passionate work in the indigenous multimedia industry, known through his Film contributions to the Yarning up Series, by introducing the very popular Chooky Dancers.
The John Macumba Indigenous Community Media Operator of the Year
2011 Winner Dennis Charles (PAW Media)This is a new award for 2011 in memory of John Macumba, one of pioneers of Indigenous media in Australia, who passed away in 2010.
“As a radio broadcaster in Alice Springs in the late 1970s, he was one of the first Aboriginal voices on the public airwaves. He was the prime mover behind the establishment of CAAMA in 1981-82, and then - as a consultant under contract to the ABC - he went on to set up Umeewarra Media in Port Augusta in 1989.
John was a member of the Ministerial Task Force on Remote Broadcasting in 1982 and a consultant to the Dix Committee's Review of Public Broadcasting in the same year. He was the Founding Chairman of the National Aboriginal and Islander Broadcasting Association (NAIBA), which was the forerunner to National Indigenous Media Association (NIMAA).”
This award is sponsored by CAAMA.
Sponsors and Supporters
The 14th National Remote Indigenous Media Festival was supported by the following: