Media Organisation Name:
Wilcannia River Radio
Media Org Location (Text field):
Wilcannia, NSW
Media Org Website:
Media Org Description:
In 2009, whilst attending a community meeting in Wilcannia, Janelle Whitehead (MPREC CEO) heard that locals wanted the local Radio Station re-established, after it had been shut down several years before. Janelle went about securing funding to build a new Radio Station with limited start up funds, using local labour and attracting locals to commence broadcast traineeships. The Station became operational soon after this with no name, just the frequency 103.1FM. After consultation with the community and the broadcasters, the Wilcannia River Radio came about. Wilcannia is located on the Darling River with the slogan “Keepin it Alive” as its catch cry. From this, a logo was produced which is now the symbol of the Station. The logo which means “Community of all ages” and the River, is represented by the different coloured dots. The Station provides a voice for the community and is a service where local information can be disseminated. As the Station grows older it is engaging more and more people as voluntary presenters, which is building confidence and providing better communication skills. The Station provides a great service in more ways than one; by bringing the community together, creating employment opportunities, building confidence, social inclusion and letting their voices be heard.
Media Org Logo:

Media Org State: