Puranyangu Rangka Kerrem (PRK Radio)

Media Organisation Name: 
Puranyangu Rangka Kerrem (PRK Radio)
Media Org Location (Text field): 
Hallls Creek, WA
Media Org Website: 
Media Org Description: 
PRK Radio provides an Indigenous broadcasting service to the Halls Creek area as well as contributing to and receiving programming through the PAKAM and NIRS networks. At various times in its history, according to the skill of the station’s broadcasters, it has regularly developed and syndicated programs broadcast nationally. The Radio Station is particularly important for the Indigenous people of the region, with news, community messages and announcements regularly broadcast in Kriol or the traditional local languages. The station also encourages broadcasting of Indigenous music. From 2007-2009 the former office and studios were refurbished and extended in order to allow an internal reception area with limited office space and importantly, the construction of a small staff flat. Previous managerial staff had been forced at times to camp on site in a caravan when other accommodation in the town was not available.
Media Org State: