News from the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)

The ACMA has recently released its Five-year spectrum outlook, 2017–21 (FYSO). The document outlines the areas of work that the ACMA is proposing in relation to spectrum usage and planning across current and emerging spectrum availability in Australia.

For the first time the ACMA is using the FYSO as a consultation document. The ACMA intends to continue this practice in all future FYSO releases, and sees the FYSO as an important part of industry consultation.

The 2017-21 FYSO includes information on anticipated developments in relation to:

  • Spectrum for broadband
  • 5G
  • The IoT (Internet of Things) low power spectrum uses
  • Broadcasting spectrum
  • Satellite communications
  • Government uses – public safety mobile broadband

The FYSO recognises an unmet demand for additional broadcasting services, in part due to the exhaustion of broadcasting services bands in urban and metropolitan areas and especially in relation to the FM radio band.

This situation has been a continuing concern to IRCA, with IRCA lobbying for the provision of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander radio services in areas with high needs for such a service.  IRCA will continue to advocate for these services and welcomes feedback from members on the FYSO to include in a sector response.

Responses are due by 18 December.

The FYSO 2017-21 is available here (link: 2017.